I interrupt the photo recap of Queensland to give you an update on winter at the tropic of Capricorn.
It has been so cold here in the mornings that I’ve had to wear socks!
I’ve even bundle up in a sweat shirt to pick my morning grapefruit from the neighbors yard. Are you feeling sorry for me yet?
Believe it or not, there are people wearing winter coats and hats in this frigid winter weather. To herald winter into the Red Center, Alice Springs hosts the Beanie Festival. People across Australia and around the world make hats and donate them to the festival. This year over 5000 hats were on display and for sale. The three day event drew over 10,000 people. The proceeds go to charity and a good time is had my all.
Some of the hats are simple serviceable gear that will keep your head warm; others are more like a piece of art, others are just big and weird.
The collection of color and textures was amazing.
Here’s my friend Tawnya modeling a few of the more unique beanies.
I know this might surprise you, but I was also hamming it up trying on hats. Unfortunately for me, Tawnya also knows how to run a camera.