What a miraculous week it has been. One week ago today, I was on a flight from Moscow to Perm, on the way to meet a nine month old that we hoped would join our family. Today, I’m on the return flight thinking about a little boy named Denis who will turn three years old next week. (Yes – there’s only one – n in the Russian spelling of his name – since we get to choose his new name we’re adding an additional n. The Russian pronunciation is Denise but we’ll slowly transition him to the name Dennis so that he doesn’t get beat up just for his name.)
We got to take him to the park yesterday and he was completely enthralled by the small water fall .
Here we are walking along the lake with Olga the coordinator from our adoption agency (Small World Adoption Foundation) and our driver Valentin.
Here’s a very proud papa!
With Dennis’ need to inspect the contents of trash cans, I think him and uncle Chris will get along well!
You gotta love a country that offers caviar filled pancakes/crepes at fast food restaurants!
Dave was happy to check out the artillery museum.