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An update from Alice

Writer's picture: PaulaPaula

The post surgery posts have been few and far between not because I’m in excruciating pain but because my escapes have been hampered by the huge-o-mungo black sling. We still have a month or two of stifling hot weather to survive and everybody’s beginning to wonder if they’ll make it. Fortunately enough, Mother Nature reminded us of why we suffer through the summers in Alice. Last Tuesday it was 103 degrees and 29% humidity before the winds from the east arrived and delivered 80 degree air and big drop in humidity. It is glorious in Alice right now! Even if I didn’t have an arm in a sling, it’s been to danged hot to sit by the pool; night time temps weren’t getting much below 90 and flies had reached the plague level. Now I’m sitting on my patio at 8:30 a.m. eating toast, drinking tea, not a fly in sight and I’m thinking about putting socks on because my feet are cold. It’s going to get hot again by Monday but we have a beautiful weekend coming at us and everybody in the Territory is grateful for it.

I’m on to my second cup of tea and the drip line sprinklers just kicked on. The birds love these little sprinklers – they treat them like showers. They hop right into the spray and puff up their feathers for a refreshing bath. It’s fun to watch all the different species come and go. It’s moments like this that remind me how much I love the man that makes it possible for me to spend my morning drinking tea and watching the birds.

Lots of people have inquired about how the recovery is coming along and life in general so I’ve decided to address you kind concerns in the form of FAQs.

How’s the shoulder? My shoulder is healing rapidly with minimal amounts of pain. I’ve seen the physical therapist once a week since arriving home from the surgery. He is amazed at the speed in which the flexibility and range of motion is returning. I diligently do my exercises three times a day and only occasionally need pain meds. It tends to be a little achy in the mornings and also gets that way if I spend all day standing up. I moved off Tylenol 3 to the over the counter Tylenol with codeine (God bless Australia) which only has about a third as much codeine as the prescription stuff. The scars are also healing rapidly and will end up all but invisible. The orthopedic surgeon comes to town again on the 28th and I’ll see him for a follow up visit.

How’s life with one arm? It’s been a character building experience for me. (Yes – I realize that makes many of you cringe – the last thing I need is a bit more character) Ironing and vacuuming are still out of the question – OH DARN! I save all the heavy lifting for Dave – it makes him feel very macho. I can now tie my own shoes. The let ones easy, but the right one requires a bit of yoga to get my foot close enough to my right hand. Getting bras on and off is still a labor intensive process. Dave’s always happy to assist with the process but I’m not awake when he leaves at 6:45 every morning, let alone showered and ready to get dressed. At one point I decided to try the sports bra instead. Getting it on went smoothly but I got stuck while trying to remove it and utilizing a door knob to hook the back onto while I slid out from under the darned thing. It was not my proudest moment!

How long before you can play golf again? I asked that question to the physio (that’s Aussie for physical therapist) that question last week and he said in 4 months if I could assure him that all I would ever hit was the ball. If for any reason I might strike the ground, a rock or anything solid it would be at least 6 months. Looks like it will be at least 6 months.

Anything exciting happen in Alice Springs lately? January and February are really dead in this part of the world. It’s just too darn hot. Many of the local head out of town on holiday and few tourists are crazy enough to come to the center in the summer. The rates are cheap but not enough to make up for the heat and the flies. The tour buses are beginning to trickle in soon life in Alice will be back in full swing.

A week or two ago we harvested our first lime crop and held a lime christening party. A bunch of friends came over on a Friday afternoon and we christened a dozen limes in gin. Gin and tonic with fresh lime is the perfect hot weather drink. Three bottles of gin later, I think it’s safe to surmise a good time was had by all.

Why haven’t you posted many photos lately? One armed photography isn’t easy and involves more frustration than I’m interested in at the moment.

How’s Dave? He’s great. He enjoys his job most days and has gotten serious about biking again. He joined a group that goes mountain biking every Saturday morning and he’s been riding his road bike to work a couple days a week.

How are you filling up your days? I’m still working for the University of Minnesota. It’s nowhere full time but it keeps my brain engaged, puts some money in my pocket and gives me a good excuse to talk to my friend Lori on a regular basis. I’m also lunching with other ladies of leisure and spent yesterday lounging by the pool with friends.

Any weird critters appear in the yard lately? The weather conditions seem to be perfect for red backs. There has been a population explosion around town. We’ve killed several on the patio. The exterminator will be here next week to retreat the patio and yard for the poisonous little buggers. Red Backs are on the top 10 most deadly spider list and I sprayed one this morning that was hanging out near the outlet where I plug the computer into. The can of spider spray lives on patio!

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